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Lorcana - Azurite Sea Store Championship - Pre-Registration

Lorcana - Azurite Sea Store Championship - Pre-Registration

In-Store Pickup Only
Admission, 17 In stock
  • Description

    Pre registration for our Lorcana - Azurite Sea Store Championship

    Event Date is Sunday, January 26th

    Registration before the event or starting day of at noon, event begins at 1

    Decklists required


    Prizing is as follows!

    Prizes are based on attendance and will be as follows:


    Champion  Scar – Heartless Hunter – Set Championship Promo + Champion Playmat
    Runner-Up  Scar – Heartless Hunter – Set Championship Promo + Runner-Up Playmat
    3rd-8th Place  Scar – Heartless Hunter – Set Championship Promo

    If at least 17 players sign up and we host a Top 8, 5th -8th place prizes will be as follows:

    5th - 8th Place 2x Booster Packs of Lorcana

    If we sell the event out, 9th -16th place prizes will be as follows:

    9th - 16th Place 2x Booster Packs of Lorcana

    Each other player will receive 1x Booster Pack of Lorcana for Participating